I am a WEGO Health Activist Awards Nominee!

I am so proud to announce that I have been nominated for a WEGO Health Activist Award!

Rookie of the Year

There really are no words to express how truly honored and touched I am. I wouldn’t have known about these awards, even though this is the 3rd Annual WEGO Health Activist Awards, but a fellow “Lymie” I had met about a year ago messaged me to tell me that she nominated me for an award!

Click here to vote and show your support!

Click here to read more about the WEGO Health Activist Awards and check out all 14 award categories! As you can tell from the picture above, I have been nominated for “Rookie of the Year”! This is so very exciting! I hope to write more about this when I can find the words to further explain what this means to me! I cannot tell you how excited I am!